The red bacterial colonies on the bottom of hatchery tanks causes mass mortality in recent years
Our Korean customers informed us recently that there is a high probability to observe red bacterial colonies whenever the production is poor. This kind of situation also happened in south Iran about 10 years ago. According to the research of Department of aquatic animal health, University of Tehran, it’s Pseudomonas sp. that caused mass mortality in hatcheries and left the red colonies behind. The research showed that culture of shrimp larva with the bacteria at 1.5-2 x 10^5 CFU/ml resulted in 100% mortality 24-48 hour post-challenge. By contrast, there was no mortality in the group of shrimp larva with no Pseudomonas sp.
*Pseudomonas sp. is a chitin-decomposing bacterium. It affects molting process and causes high mortality.

Suggested application
.Before Nauplii stocking: Use HClO 25-30ppm to disinfect tank, then fully open aeration or use vitamin C to neutralize vhlorine. After water is dechlorinated, use probiotics, Ecotics series, to occupy the environment and inhibit pathogens. According to the research(Iman Abumourad et al.,2013), the feed with some specific lactobacillus can inhibit Pseudomonas sp.
.Nauplii washing process: use PVP-I 30-50ppm to rinse Nauplii 30 secs, then pour nauplii into tank.